samedi 3 novembre 2018

The Sergius Blogus n°74 is back!

Hello and a good weekend!

When I was young,french media sold a America as"American dream":You have of the talent?You are cultivated?You do not have to lose anything except for the price of a plane ticket Paris-New York? Welcome to America!
Today it is America in lacking a graduation political,social,cultural.That the sociologists call"the phase of decline of an empire,then the fall of this empire".President Trump replaces the history of its country by movies,this is the first syndrome...To do it Special the USA I contented with calling back me of the classic movies as"Aguirre the anger of God"or"Fitzcarraldo"with the big actor:Klaus
Kinski.These movies show the madness of a single man which causes many more their losses...
And better yet,it was"made in Hollywood"!

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